Tuesday, January 11, 2011

At Sea

Ship's Coordinates:  55oSouth, 42oWest (moving South- South West)

Today, it's a day at sea - we are traveling 500 nautical miles to the Orkney Islands and further South to Elephant Island.  As soon as we left the last protected bay in South Georgia, the Southern Ocean decided to show its power and we have been going through 20 to 30 foot swells since yesterday evening.  The ship is very large and stable, but it is a bit wobbly to walk around!
In order to keep everyone interested, we will attend 2 short talks this evening, one about the formation of the ice in Antarctica, which covers the vast majority of this continent, and one about a future expedition by one member of the expedition team.  It should be interesting.

Oggi siamo in viaggio tutto il giorno - stiamo percorrendo 500 miglia nautiche in direzione delle isole Orkeny prima ed Elephant Island successivamente.  Non appena abbiamo lasciato la protezione delle baie di South Georgia, l'oceano ha deciso di farsi sentire.  Stiamo navigando in onde di 8 a 10 metri e per quanto la nave sia grande e stabile, il mare si fa decisamente sentire!
Stasera ascolteremo due interventi, uno sulla formazione dei ghiacci che coprono la stragrande maggioranza del continente antartico ed uno riguardo una futura spedizione antartica da parte di un esploratore qui a bordo con noi. Saranno certamente interessanti.

Gary and Andrew having lunch at Fredy's on board The World

Rough seas from our apartment on deck 9

Very rough seas (10 meter waves) from deck 9

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