Friday, January 7, 2011

St. Andrew's Bay - South Georgia

Day of great expectations!  This morning at 2.30am, the ship moored off the coast of South Georgia, the plan of this morning is to take Zodiac trips to St. Andrew's Bay and visit the extremely numerous seal and king penguin colonies which call this inhospitable island home.  Our group was scheduled to leave the ship at 10am.  While in the midst of preparations, we received a notice from the ship's Captain that due to high winds it is not safe to leave the ship at this time.  We will be informed of alternative plans as soon as possible.  We are rather disappointed, as we were very much looking forward to our first sub antarctic outing. However, better safe than sorry, so we took the announcement in stride.  As we woke up this morning, a beautiful rainbow stretched over the middle glacier of St. Andrew's Bay - gorgeous sight!  Pictures to follow.....

At 2pm, in another bay on the more protected side of the island, we were able to board the Zodiac for our first subantarctic expedition.  We visited Gold Bay in South Georgia, the weather was absolutely magnificent, seals and penguins were completely unfazed by our presence and we enjoyed a great day on the beach!

Giornata di grandi aspettative!  Stamattina alle 2.30, la nave ha attraccato sulla costa nord est di South Georgia, il programma di oggi prevede gite sui gommoni Zodiac per la baia di St. Andrew che ospita numerosissimi pinguini reali e foche.  Alle 10 il nostro gruppo avrebbe dovuto lasciare la nave sul gommone.  Nel bel mezzo di tante preparazioni - vestiti, macchina fotografica, stivaloni di gomma ecc. ecc.  - il capitano ci ha informato che a causa dei forti venti non e' sicuro lasciare la nave.   Ci faranno sapere a breve programmi alternativi.  Ovviamente ci dispiace molto, ma e' meglio operare in sicurezza, quindi attendiamo pazientemente.  Al nostro risveglio stamattina abbiamo visto un bellissimo arcobaleno sul ghiacciaio centrale della baia di St Andrew - una vista magnifica!  Foto a breve....

Alle 14 dopo aver cambiato baia per evitare il vento, siamo riusciti ad andare sulla spiaggia di Gold Bay, il tempo era bellissimo, le centinaia di foche e pinguini erano assolutamente disinteressati a noi.  Abbiamo trascorso un paio d'ore sulla spiaggia al sole sub-antartico!

King Penguins

Sub-Antarctic Glacier at St. Andrew's Bay

King Penguins considering purchasing on The World

Thousands of King Penguins (they smell!!!)

Rainbow on St. Andrew's Bay

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